The Alberta Oil Sands Project is Shell Canada’s expansion of their operations in Fort McMurray (upstream) and the Edmonton area (downstream). This downstream expansion included the construction of new facilities at Shell’s Scotford Upgrader to produce 100,000 barrels of product per day. The Residue Hydro Conversion, Integrated Heat Treatment Unit is the main process unit within this expansion. PCL was contracted to complete the construction of this unit with a scope that included installation of underground piping, concrete foundations, structural steel, and scaffolding; setting of mechanical equipment and modules piping; instrumentation; electrical; and electrical heat tracing.

As general contractor during construction of the main process unit, PCL worked closely and in person with Houston engineers to ensure a quality experience and exceptional facility. Despite the challenges presented by various welding metallurgies and a very dense and congested site, the project team achieved a world-class safety milestone of for the seven million labor hours.

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