The Communications Security Establishment (CSE) Long Term Accommodation Project (LTAP), located in Ottawa, Ontario, was completed as part of a federal P3 Design Build Finance Maintain (DBFM) affordability cap contract with construction being executed on a fast-track schedule. This high security facility features 1.2 million square feet of functional program space throughout multiple separate buildings and functional areas over an 83-acre site. The project features a substantial data center, shipping/receiving facilities, 820-car parking structure, extensive office space, and numerous high-quality meeting spaces and common areas. The facility is LEED Gold certified.

The Owner’s strategic concept for this facility was to deliver a workplace where the best and brightest technical and analytical minds of the newest generations wanted to work. Design and construction were classified. All design and construction activities were planned to ensure that full accreditation was achieved at the end of construction. After award, PCL was able to reduce the construction period by six months with significant savings to the Owner. This was in turn re-invested in high-value additions by the Owner. PCL was responsible for all security planning and execution on site, and cleared over 8,000 workers through the project and successfully controlled access even with 1,100 workers daily on-site.  

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