Did you know the Dalhousie University’s Life Sciences Research Institute’s land was once occupied by a central Halifax hospital? The healthcare facility was later demolished but left a heavily contaminated site beyond. With health and safety top of mind, we worked to successfully provide a safe, clean slate for the new development.
Even though the initial dust or challenges had settled, we ended up facing dust and debris once again, but this time in its true form. We faced significant challenges in controlling dust and debris from spreading to the surrounding communities. To control the air born pollutants, we developed a 24/7 site watering system to keep the ground moist, eliminating unwanted particles.
The project reached remarkable heights, including its four-story interior atrium. Completing the finishes and designs of the tall atrium put height hazards as a top safety concern. To assure worker safety, we developed a portable fall restraint system that helped increase productivity while eliminating fall potential. This system included a 20,000-square-foot floor that was placed three-stories up to help finish work in a safer manner.
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