The NCAA-certified track and field facility at University of Minnesota kicks off a new era of the sport in the Midwest. Construction required relocation of the University’s recreational sports bubble, grandstands and press box.
Just as in a track meet, we too faced hurdles that we needed to overcome. The facility’s new location had unknown site conditions that required extensive research and planning to maintain schedule. Due to the soil condition, mass excavation was enacted to remove unsuitable soils from the site.
Just-in-time deliveries and strong adherence to an accelerated schedule ensured the track striping occurred in a timely manner. Precision is everything in track striping and can only be performed by a few certified installers around the globe. These contractors travel to the site and have a limited window of time to layout and stripe the track.
The new facility is in the center of the University’s Athletics Village and serves as Minnesota’s only USA Track and Field event space.
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