One stop along the way is the Gregory Hill Pump Station, located in the City of Westminster. The station holds millions of gallons of water that have passed through treatment facilities, ready for distribution to the city’s residents and businesses.
After almost 60 years of service, the city decided to upgrade the existing tanks and pump station to increase efficiency and capacity. The upgrades required the team to demolish the old facility and construct new tanks, a new pump station and new underground pipelines to transmit water. The old steel tanks were replaced with two new prestressed concrete tanks that hold three million gallons each, and a new pump station that has a capacity to pump 13.8 million gallons per day.
Out of consideration and understanding for the neighboring subdivision that bordered the new infrastructure site, the project team, under the city’s guidance, devised a proactive approach to ensure a smooth completion.
Superintendent Benny Simmons met with each individual and family living near the Gregory Hill Pump Station. He introduced himself door-to-door and assured residents that the project team were receptive to any concerns they might have, providing his personal contact information for residents to call at any time with questions or comments.
To lessen any inconvenience to the community, Benny and his team lent a helping hand to neighbors who needed assistance relocating fences or doing other tasks around the subdivision. Project site tours were held for all residents to give them an educational, inside look at the pump station.
“From before the start of the project to the end, Benny has been the best to work with. PCL really has great employees,” said Curt Aldstadt, neighboring property owner.
Through these proactive, intentional acts, the project turned into an occasion for a community comradery. At the completion of the upgrade, everyone was invited to a celebratory cookout where neighbors, businesses and others were all thanked for their support throughout the project.
The Gregory Hill Pump Station now stands tall as a representation of true community, one that PCL’s Civil Infrastructure division is honored to be a part of.